
strong fruit Learn more about strong fruit

  • Excellent pear varieties suitable for cultivation in eastern Hebei

    Excellent pear varieties suitable for cultivation in eastern Hebei

    Many pear varieties have been introduced one after another. through cultivation experiment and demonstration, we think that the following 8 varieties are easy to blossom, early fruit, good quality, strong resistance, easy management and high benefit, so they are suitable for cultivation in eastern Hebei. 1 Zaosu pear was bred by the Fruit Tree Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1956. The parent apple pear was named in 1969 and introduced into Qian'an City in 1985. The fruit is Obovate, with ridged protuberance, and the average weight of single fruit is 237g. The mature fruit has green-yellow pericarp, smooth surface and white pulp. The meat is crisp, few stone cells and succulent

  • High-yielding tomato planting techniques: what are the seeds of high-yielding tomato varieties?

    High-yielding tomato planting techniques: what are the seeds of high-yielding tomato varieties?

    What are the high-yielding tomato seeds?

  • Technology of strong Flower and Fruit Protection of Litchi

    Technology of strong Flower and Fruit Protection of Litchi

    Technology of strong Flower and Fruit Protection of Litchi

  • What are the latest high-yielding tomato seeds?

    What are the latest high-yielding tomato seeds?

    Tomatoes are native to South America and are widely cultivated in the north and south of China. Tomatoes are very rich in nutritional value. They are vegetables (fruits) that people consume a lot in daily life, and have a high planting market value. But do you know what high-yielding tomato seeds are?

    2020-11-10 The latest high-yield tomatoes seeds which ones
  • The latest course on techniques and methods of strong Flower and Fruit Protection of Litchi

    The latest course on techniques and methods of strong Flower and Fruit Protection of Litchi

    Litchi is a very delicious fruit, with a very beautiful nickname Feizixiao, is a special fruit of our country. And there is a wide range of planting areas in China, with the growing market of litchi. Growers want to increase their output as much as possible.

    2020-11-10 The latest litchi strong flowers fruit protection techniques methods tutorials is
  • Peach variety: Xaguang

    Peach variety: Xaguang

    The main results are as follows: (1) the natural plant change of Feicheng peach was found after Xiaguang (provisional name) and found in 1992. after grafting and propagation, it was planted under different site conditions. after many years and multi-point observation, it showed stable genetic characters, large fruit, high quality and strong adaptability. more resistant to storage and transportation. 2 main characters 2.1 Botanical characteristics this variety has strong tree strength, relatively open posture, high germination rate, strong branching ability, large growth of new shoots, middle secondary shoots, large leaves in the middle of new shoots, and the average length of leaves is 13-1.

  • When is the best time to plant blueberries? When will it blossom and bear fruit? What is the best variety?

    When is the best time to plant blueberries? When will it blossom and bear fruit? What is the best variety?

    Blueberry, also known as blueberry, Benedictine, persimmon, and so on, is a small berry tree, a perennial shrub of the rhododendron family. The fruit has the functions of preventing brain nerve aging, protecting vision, strengthening heart, anti-cancer, softening blood vessels, enhancing human immunity and so on. So when is the best time to plant blueberries? When will it blossom and bear fruit

  • When is the best time to plant blueberries? When will it blossom and bear fruit? What is the best variety?

    When is the best time to plant blueberries? When will it blossom and bear fruit? What is the best variety?

    Blueberry, also known as blueberry, Benedictine, persimmon, and so on, is a small berry tree, a perennial shrub of the rhododendron family. The fruit has the functions of preventing brain nerve aging, protecting vision, strengthening heart, anti-cancer, softening blood vessels, enhancing human immunity and so on. So, blueberry what?

    2020-11-09 Blueberries what time planting best when blueberries
  • The latest planting time of blueberry seedlings

    The latest planting time of blueberry seedlings

    Blueberry, also known as blueberry, Benedictine, persimmon, and so on, is a small berry tree of blueberry, a perennial shrub of Azaleaceae. It is called blueberry because its fruit is blue. The fruit is rich in nutrients, which can prevent brain nerve aging, protect eyesight, strengthen heart and fight cancer.

    2020-11-10 The latest blueberry seedling planting time also known as blueberry
  • Annual planting Management of Sugar Orange

    Annual planting Management of Sugar Orange

    Sand sugar tangerine is an evergreen fruit tree, which has many times of life cycle, long fruit growth period, assimilation and flower bud differentiation in winter.

  • How to plant peach trees?

    How to plant peach trees?

    How should peach trees be pruned? What are the requirements? Peach tree has the following five technical points: (1) balanced pruning techniques. During pruning, the growth of trunk branches is unbalanced, the space can not be fully utilized, and the yield per plant is low. At this time, a variety of means are used to suppress the strong and support the weak to achieve the goal of balanced growth...

  • Introduction of high quality kiwifruit varieties

    Introduction of high quality kiwifruit varieties

    Kiwifruit is a kind of sweet fruit, and now there are many varieties on the market. Kiwifruit with good color is favored by consumers and sells very well, which attracts many farmers to come to plant it. Now plant high-quality kiwifruit with good prospects.

    2020-11-27 Excellent quality kiwifruit variety introduction is a kind of
  • How to trim peach trees in summer?

    How to trim peach trees in summer?

    How to trim peach trees in summer? Among all kinds of fruit trees, peach is a kind of tree with many branches and large branch growth. Pruning young and prosperous trees in summer can speed up the formation and promote early high yield. The time of peach flower bud differentiation is mainly from July to August.

  • A new variety of Longjiao-Longjiao No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6

    A new variety of Longjiao-Longjiao No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 6

    Variety introduction 1, Longjiao No. 1: strong growth potential, strong fruit setting ability, more fruit per plant. The fruit is horn-shaped, green, smooth and glossy, fruit length 22-23cm, shoulder width 2.0cm, meat thickness 0.25cm, single fruit weight 30-45g, good commodity, storage and transportation resistance, spicy taste, good quality, generally yield about 4000 kg per mu, anti-virus disease, strong cold tolerance. The main characteristics of this variety are strong disease resistance, high yield, long fruit, large fruit, good marketability of fruit and suitable for the whole.

  • How to manage red meat honey pomelo in spring?

    How to manage red meat honey pomelo in spring?

    How to manage red meat honey pomelo in spring? Please guide that spring is the early stage of red flesh honey pomelo hair root, periwinkle, flower spike, flowering and young fruit. this period, such as disease and insect damage, lack of fertilizer and drought, has a direct impact on the strong shoot, strong flower and fruit setting rate of pomelo trees, and is the key period to increase the yield of the same year. It must be taken in due course.

  • Common varieties and planting time of blueberry seedlings

    Common varieties and planting time of blueberry seedlings

    Blueberry, also known as blueberry, Benedictine, persimmon, and so on, is a small berry tree of the perennial shrub of Azaleaceae. It is called blueberry because its fruit is blue, and the fruit is rich in nutrients. it has the functions of preventing brain nerve aging, protecting vision, strengthening heart, anti-cancer, softening blood vessels and enhancing human immunity.

  • What are the fine varieties of walnuts? Introduction of early-bearing and late-bearing walnut varieties

    What are the fine varieties of walnuts? Introduction of early-bearing and late-bearing walnut varieties

    Walnut is a well-known nut, in recent years, more and more walnut planting friends, and for walnut farmers, a reasonable arrangement of time for planting can achieve better economic benefits. Walnuts in China are divided into early fruiting varieties and late fruiting varieties.

    2020-11-27 Walnut all have which excellent varieties early fruiting varieties late fruiting
  • How to make the bonsai of Guanguo pear tree? Production and maintenance of bonsai of Guanguo pear trees

    How to make the bonsai of Guanguo pear tree? Production and maintenance of bonsai of Guanguo pear trees

    Pear trees are graceful in posture, full of white flowers in spring, fruitful in autumn, full of fruit aroma, and lovely leaves of some varieties. The fruit is considerable and edible.

  • Planting conditions and benefits of red fragrant fruit

    Planting conditions and benefits of red fragrant fruit

    The red fragrant fruit has strong adaptability and can be planted in any sunny place, the red fragrant fruit is suitable for loose and fertile sandy soil, the soil is neutral, its adaptability is strong, the leaves are hard, resistant to diseases and insect pests, and grow like a gourd. a place where watermelons and tomatoes can be grown.

    2020-11-08 Red incense fruit planting conditions and benefit summary red fragrance
  • High quality Pear Variety-Daguo Crystal

    High quality Pear Variety-Daguo Crystal

    The tree is strong and upright, but the tree is moderate and strong after the fruit. The leaves are large, the tender leaves are large and thin, yellowish green, with light brown and few hairs. The sprouting ability is weak and the branching ability is medium. Early fruit, bearing fruit three years after planting. The fruiting ability of axillary flower buds is strong, and the young trees can bear fruit in the second year after height grafting. More pollen, strong affinity with July crisp, lucky water and so on, and high fruit setting rate. The variety has strong adaptability, cold resistance, drought resistance, resistance to scab, anthracnose and ring streak. In rainy areas and years, leaves are easy to be infected with black spot and brown spot, so attention should be paid to control.
